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    CECU in the News

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    Employer Engagement Network

    A network of employers and career schools working together to share information that will ensure that workers are prepared for the job and have the skills necessary to succeed.

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    ACES, a subsidiary of CECU, is a network of state associations whose members work together to advance private career education at the state level.

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Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) is the national organization serving postsecondary career education schools, staff, and most importantly, our students. We are a voluntary membership organization that serves as the national voice for the for-profit higher education sector. Today, CECU has more than 1,100 campuses and affiliate members throughout North America.

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The Daily News email contains a comprehensive summary of information and media mentions related to higher education, with a particular focus on issues of interest to proprietary schools.

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What Members are Saying About CECU

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Bridget Granados
Bridget Granados
Dir. Business Development
As a partner in higher education, our team was instantly drawn to CECU’s mission and actions. MyDegree.com values the effort and dedication CECU puts into every student experience while promoting the growth of career education. The team at MyDegree is thrilled to be a new Allied member of CECU.
Jordan Utley
Jordan Utley, PhD, ATC, FNAP
Corporate Education Director
Pima Medical Institute
While not new to higher education, this is my first position with a career college and my first time at this event. On the first day, I felt immersed in the content, which was augmented by being surrounded by my peers who shared the same goal - student success. I found the conference program to be highly relevant and contemporary in nature, hitting all of the big-ticket items facing career colleges and higher education today. Of special note, the programming on AI in Education was eye-opening and sparked multiple conversations with my PMI peers and those at subsequent events and sessions. Overall, a great sense of community was developed quickly, which enabled networking and powerful conversations during the planned social hours. This event was top-notch!
David Neal
David Neal
Collegiate Housing Services
Collegiate Housing Services (CHS) has been an allied member of CECU since 2004. As a company that primarily services the career education sector, we value CECU’s advocacy for policies that benefit the sector’s institutions and students. During our time as members, we have routinely participated in the annual conventions as exhibitors and active attendees. It is always a great opportunity to rekindle our sector relationships and meet new prospective partners. The CECU staff have always been eager to assist in this regard. We value our membership in CECU and its impact on our company’s growth and success.
Mikhail Shneyder
Mikhail Shneyder
Chief Executive Officer
Nightingale Education Group
The Career Education Convention is always one of the professional highlights of my year. Annually, I look forward to reconnecting with friends in the sector, discovering emerging trends and innovations, sharing ideas, and expanding my professional network. I am consistently inspired by thoughtful keynote presentations like the one recently delivered by Robert Herjavec of the Shark Tank fame. This year, I was also thrilled to meet our Canadian colleagues and learn more about career education north of the border. Year after year, I find the Convention worth the time and investment and always encourage my Nightingale collaborators to join me in attending.
Nicole Ilisie
Nicole Ilisie
Assistant Program Coordinator
Tidewater Tech
The knowledge and wisdom I have gained from this experience is invaluable. I cannot wait to implement some of what I learned here to better serve our students and staff alike. Thank you for this fantastic opportunity. The connections and relationships made here are irreplaceable and I look forward to working with them in the future.
Tara Dailey
Tara Dailey
Regional Director of Operations
Pima Medical Institute
Attending the CECU conference is something I look forward to each year. Not just for the educational sessions, but more so to network and connect with colleagues. It is a great chance to collaborate with both schools and vendors, and I always walk away with wonderful tools to help strengthen our schools.
Serjik Kesachekian
Serjik Kesachekian
Chief Compliance Officer
Success Education Colleges
CECU provides professional and organizational support. As a long-standing member of CECU, I appreciate the value I continue to receive from the organization. I have found that CECU provides both resources and relevant information that supports me professionally and my organization. I appreciate how CECU advocates for policies that support both our students and institutions.
Angela Heinz
Angela Heinz
VP of Growth & Development
San Joaquin Valley College, Inc / Ember Education
The CECU Leadership Institute is a great week of learning for those who are new to their leadership role or looking to learn more about our sector and how we serve students in our communities. It's an excellent opportunity to share ideas and best practices with others who share a common goal: change lives!
Scott Hager
VP of Operations
San Joaquin Valley College
CECU's Leadership Institute was a wonderful event full of relevant content related to our sector. I appreciated the networking opportunities and highly recommend the institute for CECU members.
Alexander Arthur
Alexander Arthur
Chief Operations Officer
At Orbund we always look forward to the CECU conferences because they are part of the premier conferences in the higher education sector. As premier events, we get the opportunity to meet and interact with our fellow competitors, customers and prospects. They tend to be the sector's go-to events to learn new market trends and solutions; hence, it is worth participating and getting involved.
Craig Tucker
Craig Tucker
Keyin College
I had the most incredible time as a sponsor and speaker at the recent conference in Kansas City! The event showcased the powerful bond between Canadian and American educators, fostering an enriching exchange of ideas and collaboration. It was truly a testament to the strength of the CECU and NACC partnership, and I'm grateful to have been a part of such a remarkable experience.
Kimberly Peacher
Kimberly Peacher
Dental Hygiene Program Director
Pima Medical Institutes
I truly learned so much from this experience. The topics were on-point with the audience and the speakers were energetic and kept my interest. I am so glad I was fortunate to attend and I am certain that I will be able to utilize what I have learned in my current and future leadership endeavors!
D. Scott Casanover
D. Scott Casanover
General Counsel/Sr. Vice President of Government Affairs
American Career College/West Coast University
Given all that is happening in the higher education landscape, I can’t imagine a better investment of time than the few days spent at the annual CECU Convention. The breakout sessions offer timely regulatory and compliance tips that have meaningful suggestions for school operators. The keynotes are always entertaining and inspiring and the comradery with peer school leaders is rewarding. Kansas City captured many of our hearts in 2023, and I am looking forward to seeing what Indianapolis has to offer in 2024!
Robert Walker
Director of Admissions
University of Advancing Technology Leadership Institute 2023
CECU Leadership Institute was a great opportunity for me to not only learn about many different colleges and schools in the sector, but also partake in very poignant sessions that aligned greatly with my trajectory as a leader.
Ben Zimmer
Ben Zimmer
JobWise is very grateful to be part of CECU as an Allied Member. CECU's dedication to advancing career education is unmatched, and we highly recommend CECU to any organization looking to make a significant impact in career education.
Noah Brandon
Noah Brandon, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Unitech Training Academy
Every detail of the CECU conference was intentional this year. The tour of Arrowhead stadium, the after-hours networking events, and getting to know the members of NACC were all complimentary to forming a great experience. Further, the sessions reaffirmed the sector's unity through information sharing on new regulations, governmental updates, and best practices.
Jennifer Pesci-Kelly
Jennifer Pesci-Kelly
Senior Director of Marketing, Institutional
The 2023 CECU Conference was a great way for us to connect with leaders around a topic they are passionate about – the student experience. We were thrilled to have the keynote speaker come to connect with people in our booth while continuing this conversation. CECU created a dynamic environment to network and share, and we look forward to future years of collaboration.
Chris Albecker
Chris Albecker
Senior Manager
McClintock & Associates
The CECU Leadership Institute exceeded all of my expectations in every way possible. The presenters were fantastic. It was evident that only the best of the best were invited to share their knowledge and expertise. The attendees themselves were a vibrant and engaging group. It was a privilege to connect with like-minded professionals. The CECU staff meticulously arranged the event, and it was evident that no detail was overlooked. Beyond the scheduled sessions, the conference also provided ample opportunities for informal networking. I left the week energized and excited to implement new ideas and a growth mindset.
Elizabeth Keifer Herron
Elizabeth Keifer Herron
Vice President of Solutions and Sales
Collegiate Admission and Retention Solutions
Collegiate Admission and Retention Solutions (CARS) has been an active allied member for more than twenty years, relying upon CECU for timely information and advocacy on legislative and regulatory issues affecting higher education. The recent addition of the podcast - Career Education Report has helped to bring vital issues to a wider audience than before. The current CECU team partners extremely well with other state, regional and national organizations to improve access to excellent conferences and webinars, which bring institutions and service providers like CARS together. Perhaps one of the greatest recent accomplishments is the admittance to the ACE secretariat, demonstrating that CECU is a recognized voice for students, workforce issues and the institutions we serve.
Matt Calhoun
Matt Calhoun
SVP of Regulatory Affairs
Arizona College
My journey with CECU began back in 2003 when I participated in the Leadership Institute. From that pivotal moment and throughout the subsequent annual conferences, my association with CECU has proven indispensable in fostering a robust professional network within our sector. The organization's commitment to equipping its members with the latest insights into regulatory and government affairs has been invaluable in sustaining my expertise. CECU is an exceptional organization, and I genuinely appreciate the invaluable services they consistently provide to our schools.

CECU Allied Membership

CECU's Allied membership is designed for organizations that provide programs, products, and services to the postsecondary career sector of higher education.

The benefits add up. As an Allied Member, you get invaluable access to updated information affecting the sector as well as networking opportunities to the decision makers at these institutions. Get—and stay—on their radar with and Allied Membership.

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